The surveys for the ornithological monitoring of the LIFE ShepForBio project have recently been concluded. The censuses covered all the areas in which pasture and grassland restoration and conservation interventions are planned, as well as some comparison areas. The censuses will then be repeated at the end of the project and will allow us to understand what kind of effects the interventions have had on breeding birds. Numerous species have been contacted: in Pratomagno, the presence of a small population of wheatear, a typical species of mountain environments, is in evidence, while in the National Park of the Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona and Campigna, the presence of the tawny pipit, a rare and demanding species, linked to pastures with scarce herbaceous cover, and the red-backed shrike, found to be well distributed and still numerous in the most suitable environments, is worthy of mention.