The appointment was set, all partners involved in the project were present, and the second monitoring visit of the LIFE ShepForBio project took place on 17 and 18 January. In spite of the cold, snow and rain, the two days were an opportunity to carry out a group visit to Rincine, one of the areas where monitoring was carried out last year and where the interventions to restore the grasslands and support the development of livestock activities will take place.
The two days then continued in the conference room of the Officine di Capodarno in Stia, where the various partners updated each other on the progress of the project’s various actions. Undoubtedly two precious days of discussion and proposals, we are enthusiastic to be able to state that everything is proceeding in the best possible way and that our project, after the first year of preparatory actions, is entering the phase of concrete Actions to achieve the improvement of the conservation status of the three target habitats of the project (5130, 6210*, 6230*).