On Friday 13 December in Fivizzano (MS), as part of the VI Forum of the Apennines, the project ‘APE TOE – Restoration of Grasslands and Forests of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines’ presents the Plan for the Conservation of the Northern Apennines. Promoted by Legambiente and financed by the ARCADIA Foundation’s Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme and managed by the Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI), the project aimed to draw up a wide-area Plan for the conservation and restoration of the grasslands and forests of a large part of the northern Apennines. As part of the drafting of the Plan, which saw the involvement of numerous partners, including parks, public and technical bodies, and stakeholders in the area, LIFE ShepForBio provided its contribution in particular to identify and define the interventions for restoring the grasslands, making the most of the experiences made in Pratomagno and in the Foreste Casentinesi National Park.
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