On the occasion of the eighth edition of Oltreterra, dedicated to new sustainable economies for mountain communities, the LIFE ShepForBio project brought together some of the most significant experiences on the national scene to talk about grassland, livestock and biodiversity. They talked about how important the management and conservation of grassland habitats is, also through the promotion and dissemination of experiences and good practices, and about the proper recognition of the role of those who, in the first person, together with their animals, live and work in these environments.
Definitely two intense days: full of speeches, participation and, above all, ideas that, through the discussion tables, may serve to define new projects dedicated to supporting the mountains and those who live them.
Thanks to all and in particular to Oltreterra, Euromontana, Università La Sapienza-Roma, Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi Monte Falterona e Campigna, LIFE XeroGrazing, LIFE Pastoralp, DAGRI Unifi, Rewilding Appennines, LIFE Grace, LIFE Gestire2020, LIFE Drylands, Centro Flora Autoctona, Prà da smens, PASTRES, Rete APPIA, Institut Agro-Florac, Slowfood Italia