Among the many monitoring activities provided for in the LIFE ShepForBio project is the evaluation of the “socio-economic effects”. Through specific indicators, it will be evaluated the effect of the project on the economic activities present in the territories, first of course the livestock, and on the awareness of the population that lives, works and frequents the intervention areas on the importance of conserving pastures and grasslands and the biodiversity that characterizes them.
In this regard, the project has prepared a simple questionnaire; fill it out and contribute with your opinions to the success of the project!
The information will be collected through online forms, but also through the administration of questionnaires as part of the various activities of animation, dissemination and promotion of the project and, in the specific case of tourists, through the visitor centers of the Foreste Casentinesi Monte Falterona and Campigna National Park. All the questionnaires that will arrive correctly filled in will contribute in the first place to the correct development of the Project but also to improve the services for those who live in our territory.