From April 2023 the ShepherdSchool, a school for shepherds and breeders realised within the framework of the LIFE NAT/IT/001076 ShepForBio project, will start at the Officine di CAPODARNO Training Centre (Stia, Arezzo).
Four training cycles will be realised within the project, straddling the years 2023 – 2027. The school will be organised in such a way as to guarantee a dual training offer: a theoretical part, with classroom lessons carried out by qualified technical staff for each training module (12 total modules lasting about 8 hours each), accompanied by visits to companies and production realities of the sector, and a second part of practical internship, lasting a total of 30 days (not continuous), in which the participants will work alongside shepherds and breeders in the Foreste Casentinesi National Park area. The theoretical lessons will be held on weekends from April to June, to give those who are currently employed elsewhere the opportunity to participate. The courses will be held by lecturers, researchers and experts belonging to the project partners (DAGRI – University of Florence, Dream Italia, the Foreste Casentinesi National Park and the Tuscany Region) as well as the Associations Difesattiva and Rete Appia, collaborators of the project.
Enrolment in the School is free of charge. Participants (for 2023 the maximum number is six) will be selected on the basis of previous experience, aptitude and motivation. To aspiring shepherds, the project offers free accommodation, at facilities in the Foreste Casentinesi National Park or similar, for the duration of the theoretical course. During the internship part of the course, the trainees will stay at the farms involved in the project or at similar structures in the vicinity: also in this case, the cost of accommodation is covered by the project.
The learners will see their training pathway recognised within the framework of the Training and Guidance System of the Tuscany Region, which is actively involved in the organisation of the school. Recognition of the course is subject to passing a final test.
For enrolment and further information go to
Enrolment deadline 28/02/2023