Grassland habitats: restoration and conservation in the mountain context
On Thursday 3 November, starting at 9 a.m., the initial conference of the LIFE ShepForBio project will be held in the auditorium of the Romagna Acque – Società Delle Fonti Operating Centre (Loc. Capaccio-Settegalli) in Santa Sofia.
LIFE ShepForBio is a project that stems from the desire to conserve grassland environments through the involvement of shepherds and breeders and the valorisation of their work, intended as the only tool to guarantee the conservation of these environments and the rich biodiversity that characterises them. The main objective of the project is to improve the conservation status of three types of grassland and pasture habitats (Habitat 5130, 6210*, 6230*), recognised as being of Community importance by the European Union. One of the main Actions of the project is the creation of a training school for new shepherds and breeders, whose main objective is the promotion of pastoralism as a tool for a sustainable and lasting management of these environments, helping to counteract the scarce generational turnover that afflicts this sector, particularly in the most marginal areas.
The realisation of the project is possible thanks to the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union and of all the subjects involved, including D.R.E.Am – Italy, the National Park of the Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona and Campigna, the Region of Tuscany, the University of Rome – La Sapienza, the University of Florence, Euromontana, the Union of Municipalities of Casentino, the Union of Municipalities of Pratomagno, the Union of Municipalities of Valdarno and Valdisieve, and the Union of Romagna Forlivese.
The event will be held as part of the eighth edition of Oltreterra, new sustainable economies for Italian mountain communities, the subject of which will be “Regenerating mountains to counter the climate crisis”.
In addition to being an opportunity to disseminate good practices in grassland management and conservation, it will also be an opportunity to compare experiences gained in the framework of other LIFE programme projects, including LIFE Xerograzing, LIFE Drylands, LIFE Manage 2020, LIFE Grace, LIFE Pastoralp, and others.
Guests will include Rewilding Apennines, the Centre for Autochthonous Flora of Lombardy, in addition to the two Regions where the Actions envisaged by the project will be concentrated, to talk about restoring grasslands, and RETE APPIA – Italian Pastoral Network, within the session dedicated to pastoral schools.
It will be possible to follow the conference remotely on the Lifesize platform, by connecting to the link:
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